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This, - this is the real Stig!

ACM Media

With experience since the nineties, Stig Andersson forms part of ACM's bedrock. His favorite post is the exit from the pitlane, and there he steers with massive stability. The messages from race control to Post 1 are short and in jungle language. Stig knows what they mean, and he performs automatically. Race director Geir Steinbakk knows that his most important post on the track is in safe hands.

Stig Andersson, Arctic Circle Motorsport Club, ACM, Mo i Rana
Ingen slipper forbi Post 1 og ut på banen uten Stig Anderssons klarering. Foto: ACM Media

- I can feel it in my knees after a long day. It was easier twenty years ago, says Stig, but the seventy-one-year-old is clear that he enjoys the task and loves the people, and he would be happy to return next year.

- If I get a little release in between, then this is just fun.

Stig was recruited right after the arena was finished and has since been on standby. Neither he nor anyone else knows how many races he has on his CV, but there are many. When asked what has changed the most in the 25 years, he is a bit uncertain, but points out that it was easier to get people to do the tasks in the first years.

- Why do you think that is so?

- There are probably many reasons, and it is not just at our events that it is more demanding.

- What do you think should be done to recruit good adults? After all, more than just young people are needed.

- I'm not entirely sure, but I think the social framework for the crews is important. In the first years, we were a colossally tight-knit group, and we had fun after the races, both the youngsters and us more mature adults.

- Party and shawl?

- It happened that there was a party after the end of the event, but on the race days we had barbecues and bonfires outside at the posts, or we met in the track depot for something in common. I think it is important that people know that they are taken care of.

- Have you experienced the opposite?

- Sure, there have been some cases of lukewarm sausage and a watery mashed potato after a long day, and that's not good for recruitment, says Stig and points to the importance of the crews being allowed to enter warm premises on rainy days.

Stig Andersson, Arctic Circle Motorsport Club, ACM, Mo i Rana
Stig Andersson er en ener på post 1. Foto: ACM Media

- Some choose to spend the night at the arena, but you choose to go home.

- Yes, now I do. But I have had many overnight stays up here.

- Have you lived in a tent?

- No, I have stayed at the arena when the organizer has had caravans available. Living at ACR together with the others in the crew and together with participants and teams is very social and pleasant. It creates a special camaraderie between us. I miss that, and I think it is necessary to be able to build a strong motorsport environment locally.

- After all these years, are there other things you would like improved?

- It is so definite to get a roof over their heads for the track crews. It's not just when it's raining and the weather is bad that it's important, because when it's sunny and hot it can be very tough to stand for hours taking care of the safety of the athletes, concludes one of the country's most experienced postmasters.

- 71 years old and on post. It's hard to be so committed!

- I'll be 72 soon.

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