ACM Paramedic is a highly specialized rescue team for sports events and festivals in Nord-Helgeland region. The team consists of qualified healthcare personnel: Doctors, nurse anesthetists and ambulance professionals - all trained and co-trained for the task. The aim is to create security for performers, crews and the public in the region.
ACM Paramedic will, in addition to ensuring local organizers a preparedness that is in line with national requirements, also contribute to relieving the healthcare institution's permanent preparedness. It provides increased security for everyone who lives in the region.

ACM Medic Team tilbyr en fullferdig ambulanse som utelukkende håndteres av sertifisert helsepersonell. Foto: ACM Media
Hiring ACM Prehospital Team
An agreement for hiring a staffed ambulance must be entered weeks in front of the event. Duty lists for the crews must be planned carefully, and especially in the summer months there are many events and festivals in the district, in addition to demanding holiday arrangements among health personnel.
The ambulance is rented at a daily price + total km price, as well as a full tank of fuel for pick-up and delivery.
In addition, there is an hourly rate for personnel and any use of sterile equipment or consumables.
Unless otherwise agreed, the ambulance must have access to electricity and be connected to the mains when the ambulance is on standby. This is for reasons of equipment in the car and to avoid condensation. Idling must be avoided.
Send an e-mail to paramedic@acmk.no, briefly explain what the inquiry is about, and give your name and contact telephone number. You will be contacted as soon as possible, within two working days at the latest.
The ambulance project is an ongoing project to raise capacity and expertise within regional emergency medicine, with particular emphasis on extraordinary risks in relation to larger events and public gatherings. The project is based on the requirements set by the Norwegian Sports Confederation and the Directorate for Civil Preparedness.
The project is financed exclusively with support from local sponcors, as well as ACM's own capital and own efforts. In addition, there is a large and inspiring commitment from Helgelandssykehuset HF.
The project is professionally organized by ACM's experienced organizing staff and by employees from pre-hospital services at the Helgeland Hospital.
The investment is for the purchase of an ambulance, relevant equipment for the car and emergency room, as well as for courses and internships in England for healthcare personnel. This is financed only by ACM and the club's spomsors.
Følgende bedrifter har til nå støttet ambulanseprosjektet økonomisk
Sentrum Auto
Jern og Maskin
Tre og Betong
Mo Industripark
Mo Bygg og Anlegg
Reidar Wulfsberg AS
Ice Drift
Botn Elektro
Synspunkt Stensland
Langvann Maskin & Utemiljø
Skjærvik Scooter og MC
Tangen Uteanlegg
ACM is deeply grateful for the support we have received. We will give a more detailed presentation of our sponsors on our website as soon as the project is fully funded
Companies or private individuals who wish to support the project are asked to send an inquiry to